Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week 5-Web 2.0 and Tokbox

I thought that making the Tokbox reflection this week was very nice. The thing that I’m finding frustrating or challenging about oral reflections is that you can’t go back later to edit. I planned the topics that I wanted to discuss, but then as I watched it again, I realized that I went a bit off topic in one part. It wasn’t bad enough to warrant redoing it because I liked the rest of it. Because of what we were using, I couldn’t just redo that one part. Whereas with a written reflection, I could have fixed it when I edited it. I’m not sure if that was for lack of planning or just how oral reflections happen.

I enjoyed looking at the Web 2.0 tools that were not covered in class. I used to edit photos that were taken at my church’s VBS. You can see the end results in the previous post. The other tool I will be reviewing is which was to focus of my screencast. I haven’t chosen the other two yet. I hope that we get to discuss them in class on Wednesday because I want to know what everyone else found.

1 comment:

  1. I too would like to hear what our classmates found in terms of Web 2.0 tools. I look forward to working with you on creating screencasts to educate teachers about various Web 2.0 tools and learning about more tools myself! At first I was a bit intimidated to find a tool myself but the online resources available to inform about web 2.0 tools available to educators.

    The idea of a video comments is awesome and I think stduents would really like to communicate this way. It would be nice to edit the comments (like it would have been nice to be able to edit the screencasts).
